The “No B.S.” Voter Guide

PROP A: A提案選“反對”

PROP B: B提案選“反對”

PROP C: C提案選“贊成”

PROP D: D提案選“贊成”

PROP E: E提案選“贊成”

PROP F: F提案選“贊成”

PROP G: G提案選“贊成”



Supervisor Matt Dorsey , Nancy Tung, Laurance Lem Lee, Peter Lee ,

Trevor Chandler, Lily Ho, Cedric Akbar, Michael Lai


Marjan Philhour, Michela Alioto-Pier, Lanier Coles, Supervisor Catherine Stefani, Jade Tu


Page Chamberlain, David Cuadro , Jennie Feldman, Christian Foster, Bill Jackson,

Christopher Lewis, William Shireman, Josh Wolff, Jamie Wong


Nick Berg, Jeremiah Boehner, Martha Conte, Jan Diamond, Jay Donde, Peter Elden,

Grazia Monares, Tom Rapkoch, Deah Williams, Jennifer Yan


Seat 1: Albert “Chip” Zecher - Challenger

Seat 13: Jean Myungjin Roland - Challenger

Continue scrolling for a full explanation of the propositions…

NO on Prop A     


A is Another BIG debt.


San Francisco has raised $900M in the last several years for "affordable housing."  There is plenty of money available to build affordable housing, this isn't a funding problem.  It is a zoning, permitting, bureaucratic red tape, and a political will problem. It’s clear our leaders have not figured out that inflation is an actual thing that exists. City Hall should consider whether this housing will actually ever get built, because from our calculations it isn’t a lack of money that is halting housing production. 

三藩市在過去幾年中為「經濟適用房」籌集了 9 億美元。 有足夠的資金來建造經濟適用房,這不是資金問題。 這是一個區劃、許可、官僚的繁文縟節和政治意願問題。 很明顯,我們的領導人還沒有意識到通貨膨脹是真實存在的。 市政廳應該考慮這種住房是否真的會建成,因為根據我們的計算,並不是因為缺乏資金而停止了房屋建設。

This is yet another housing financial sinkhole for SF taxpayers destined to miss its mark but keep taxes high: $300 million in bonds with an estimated payback of $544 million is not affordable at all.  In fact, these dollars are VERY expensive.


但要維持高稅收:3億美元的債券,預計總還款額為5.44億美元,根本不划算。 事實上這筆債券非常昂貴。

Don’t be fooled by this house of cards.


No on Prop B


No on B - NO. COP. TAX.*

B提案選「反對」 - 反對警察稅

Prop B is ANTI-safety.


Prop B would delay full police staffing by at least 18 months.  Prop B forces you to pay MORE TAXES for basic public safety.


Even starting now, it’ll still take a few years for more than 600 needed cadets to get through the Academy. 

We absolutely should NOT have to collect any more taxes for SFPD’s fundamental, critical service.

即使從現在開始,600多名急需的學員也需要幾年的時間才能通過學院的訓練。 我們絕對不應該再為三藩市警察局的基本、關鍵服務徵收任何新稅金。

No Brainer!  No Cop Tax!!

毫無疑問! 反對警察稅!

This “pay to play” sham sets a bad precedent: what fundamental City service will they tax next?  

The fastest way to staff SFPD is to VOTE NO on B: say NO to an 18-month wait and extra taxes.



Yes on Prop C


The idea of converting unused office space into residential space to address the decrease in

office use as well as the need for housing seems like it could be a good idea. There are things we do not like about this proposition:  1) waiving a tax when the cost benefit to The City can’t be reliably assessed and 2) taking power away from voters to allow this Board of Supervisors amend this tax. 

將未使用的辦公空間轉換為住宅空間,以解決辦公空間利用減少以及住房需求增加的問題,似乎是一個不錯的主意。 關於這個提案有一些我們不喜歡的地方:1)在無法可靠評估城市成本效益的情況下放棄稅收,2)剝奪選民的權力,允許市議會修改這個稅收.

So we understand this is not a perfect Prop, we are a cautious yes.


Yes on D


This Proposition will work to reduce corruption in City Hall.


The best thing about this measure is that it centralizes the ethics training and auditing in the actual Ethics Department instead of allowing each City department to decide how to watchdog themselves. 


That’s right, that is how it is right now. And clearly, that needs to change.

是的,現在就是這樣。 很明顯,這需要改變。

This prop is pretty tame, and it is not going to change the world, but if it makes an elected official think twice before stealing from the cookie jar or handing cookie jars to the cronies, then we salute it.


Yes on E


Proposition E allows police to use technology to be more impactful and effective.  We need more police officers and we need to help the officers we do have keep us all safe.  USING TECHNOLOGY will allow SFPD to spend more time on street patrol and fighting crime and less time on filling out paperwork! Prop E will make SFPD more efficient and add much-needed transparency to important decision-making processes at the anti-police Police Commission, too!  And it restores crucial decision-making ability back to SFPD Officers. 

E提案允許警察利用科技提高影響力和效率。 我們需要更多的警察,同時我們需要幫助現有的警察保障我們所有人的安全。 使用科技將使三藩市警察局能夠花更多的時間在街道巡邏和打擊犯罪上,而減少寫文書的時間! E提案將使三藩市警察局更加高效,並為反警察委員會的重要決策過程增加急需的透明度。同時它使三藩市警察局官員恢復了重要的決策能力。

An emphatic YES on long overdue Prop E. Technology should work for EVERYONE. 

對遲來已久的E提案投強烈的「贊成。 科技應該為每個人服務。

Yes on F


Requiring individuals who receive cash assistance to participate in drug screening and substance abuse treatment in order to continue receiving cash assistance makes sense.  It might be the carrot/stick combination to finally help folks get the treatment they need. 

要求接受現金援助的個人參加藥物篩查和戒毒治療以繼續獲得現金援助是有道理的。 這可能是激勵和威懾相結合的方法,最終有助於人們獲得所需的治療。

This measure won’t impact housing assistance funding and will only suspend general assistance funding for 30 days if someone screens positive and bails on treatment.  


The City budget for homeless services is about $1 billion per year so the $4 million to get this up and running the first year, and the up to $ 2 million per year after that is worth trying, as a tiny fraction of what we’re paying for overpriced tents and open-air drug markets we’re somehow supporting.  


YES on G


It hurts our kids to remove algebra from Middle School.


A yes vote says you support returning algebra to middle school.
